I like Thursdays ^_^

20 01 2011

That’s all there is to it! 

Reasons why Thursdays are great:

  1. The week is dwindling and it’s almost Friday.
  2. Still not too late to make weekend plans that might actually happen.
  3. Thursdays are my heavy choir days: Broadway, CSH, Melodies, Musical.
  4. Great TV: Bones, The Office, watching last night’s Top Chef.
  5. My sleep schedule is usually the closest to normal by Thursday.

Yeah, it’s a good day. I’m in a very list-writing mood right now… I’ve been on a magazine stint for a few days. Someone randomly started sending my family Rolling Stone and Entertainment and now I’ve been reading them even though Entertainment is vapid and unoriginal and Rolling Stone is pretentious, overrated, and refers to Ke$ha as an artist.

Yeah, Ke$ha is an artist. And I’m an astrophysicist.

Also, I’ve been enjoying my beloved tiny periodical companion, Reader’s Digest, and the monthly novel known as Real Simple. I love how such an intelligent and helpful magazine has a grammatical error for the title. Ah, what an age we live in.


K, ttyl.



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